Thursday, January 15, 2009

An Introduction to "Fabulosity" by KZ

Being that EB and KJ are two of the finest writers I have ever met, contributing to their site causes both excitement and trepidation. Therefore, it is with complete honesty and candor that I forewarn any readers that this weekly column will likely offer no insight, laughs, or wisdom. However, if one is looking for a new alternative to facebook, myspace, or any other brainless site seemingly made with the goal to kill time and ease the pain of the weekly grind, then you may have come to right place.

Being a single twenty-something in the city, the first topic that first sprang to mind was men, or in this case, “MEN-hattenites.” However, I found the topic overly reminiscent of Carrie Bradshaw and decided to pass for various reasons:

1) Carrie had much more experience than I ever had (I have yet to have a politician ask me to pee on him). Sadly, most of my encounters with the opposite sex are about as exciting as watching paint dry.
2) Carrie is infinitely wittier and cooler than I am. Her wardrobe and Blahnik collection alone are enough to make most women bow down in awe and her puns simply cannot be beat (“…checked more single woman boxes than her gynecologist”)
3) It’s already been done-and done well (why try to redo and revamp the best of the best-You’ll just end up looking like an ass)

That’s not to say that there won’t be the occasional man, sex, or related topic (because I am a woman and it’s just inevitable), but as a whole, this column will be an overview of life and ALL of the aspects that make it so damn fun. While it may not always focus on the important topics of Obama versus Bush, Global Warming, etc., it will comment on simple pleasures (or things that just piss me off) and everyday nuances that make us laugh, cry, and ask” what the hell were they thinking” (aka: The creator of Snuggies).

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