Friday, August 7, 2009

Sponges, the silent killers.

The average person is exposed to approximately 3,000 advertising messages in any given day. Buy this, eat that, invest your money here, "Just Do It!", "I'm lovin' it", "You would be home already if you lived here", and on and on it goes. There are about 1,000 minutes in each day that we spend awake. Theoretically, it would take every minute of the day if we did nothing else but look at these messages. Yet, they're subliminally there, in everything we do, in every place we go. Right this very second, I see logos for Dell, Glaceau, Lucky, Comdial, Avery, Mead, BIC, Papermate, Staples, Totes, allure, Google, Office Depot and Ray Ban at my desk alone.

As if that's not enough, we still have to wait for the subway/sit in traffic, work, check Facebook, work some more, gchat , more work, cook/order dinner, book appointments, pay bills, go to the gym and make sure we check to see if its going to rain again tomorrow.

When we finally do find the time to kick back, relax and watch TV or read a magazine/website, we often find conflicting or downright useless messages. Most recently, I found a little gem titled, " 9 Things in Your Home that may be Killing You" on the website of my favorite mag.

The article warns of the dangers lurking in your "wet towels" and advises not to share them with your boyfriend (boy cooties, gasp!), and wash them often. If your male friend does happen to touch your towel, you are promptly advised to "send that towel where it belongs, the washing machine". It then goes on to suggest that your laundry machine may be harboring bacteria, and that if you use a public washing machine, you should ask the building manager to make sure the temperature is a "germ killing" 155 degrees. I don't know about you, but the "building manager" where I wash my clothes doesn't speak much English, so much for that idea.

Think your salt & pepper shakers are cute? Think again, it warns, since they are touched at all phases of the food handling process. Using disinfectant to clean them? Don't even think about it, unless of course you are using EPA-Registered disinfectant! Might need Google's help on that one.

Better yet, have you traveled lately! Beware of bed bugs, they say. Wash everything in your luggage in hot water and be sure to scrub that suitcase with a stiff brush before giving it a good vacuuming. Right. I'll be sure to do just that, right before dunking it in a vat of rubbing alcohol and setting it on fire for good measure.

Tired from thinking too much about all this? Time to relax with your laptop, you say? Not without daily disinfecting wipes! Your germ harboring keyboard likely contains more bacteria than a toilet bowl! Yikes.

All this talk of germs makes me want a shower. What's that, they say? I can't even shower without the fear of dying?! Not if my shower curtain contains PVC, which "studies suggest" may be harmful to my health.

You know what else "may be harmful to my health"? Worrying about being killed by my salt & pepper shaker, towels, laptop and shower curtain! Never leaving my house for fear of the dreaded "bed bug" and microwaving my sponges before every dish wash. What's next, avoiding sidewalk street cracks and wearing protective face masks during my weekly manicure? I'd rather take my chances. I think tonight I'll curl up inside my dirty suitcase, with my spice rack and all the sponges I can find laying around my apartment, sans microwave and EPA- Registered Disinfectant. Wish me luck.
- KJ

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