Friday, August 21, 2009

The Chiquita Bamana

Happy Friday! Meet the Chiquita Bamana. Brought to you by the crazy streets of New York and lots of illegal drug use.

Chiquita Bamana struts around in a fire engine red thong and give a whole new meaning to the term boyshorts. The cornucopia of fruit on his head complements the vibrant colors of his necklace, which is probably an ancient tribal gift from his ancestors; or a hallucinatory dumpster project. Take your pic.

He pushes his shopping bags, filled with God knows what, around in a baby carriage. For the love of Christ, I hope this man has not spawned. I shudder to think of the humiliation that child would endure at the hands of this creature.

Additionally, everyone that owns a pair of Crocs should take a good look at this man and immediately throw a burning rubber party. Because if there is one good that can come out of The Chiquita, it's singlehandedly eradicating the evil that these plastic mitts from hell bring.


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