Tuesday, July 21, 2009

"Chick" Peas & other minutiae

It's one of those days when you could barely get yourself out of bed and muster enough energy to look half decent and make it to work. By the time you arrive, your hair is some variation of "tousled" and those rubber rain boots you thought were adorable now make you look like a toddler in her mom's work clothes, a very wet toddler in work clothes. Trains were all running off schedule (god forbid water touch their gears), the homeless were out in full force, dripping their garbage bag ponchos all over you on the subway, and that "Free Pastry Day" morsel from Starbucks had to be forfeited in hopes of making it to to work on time.

Normally such a day starts off horrendous, slowly turns into bad, and ends slightly better than fair. Until you walk into your favorite lunch spot and witness the following dialogue:

Girl: I'd like to try that soup (pointing obnoxiously)

Employee: Which? The chick pea moroccan lentil?

Girl: Yes, but I'm a vegeterian.

Employee: ?

Girl: It has "CHICK" peas in it.

Employee: ???? Yes, it's still vegeterian.

I don't know which is more disturbing, the fact that this person thought that "chick" peas came from actual chicks(!?!) or the fact that she didn't realize that the term "pea" usually signifies a type of vegetable. Onward I go, order my Clam Chowder and I'm on my merry way.

Until I realize that this is NOT the dumbest thing I've heard this week. Unfortunately for me, someone I know (someone with a very important title) instructed a group of individuals yesterday that "San Antonio is a STATE", and then went on to request that those individuals should really try to wipe the "SOUR PUSSIES" off their faces during Monday meetings. Awkward, yes. Uncomfortable? Absolutely. Surprising? Sadly, no.
After all, when you say something so dumbfounding that it makes employees contort their faces into something that vaguely resembles a sneeze to avoid laughter, you really can't complain about their "sour pussies". And that, my friends, is another blog post in itself.

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